Yesterday was my 2nd Korite in Senegal. While the names and faces were completely different from my previous Korite, the day was spent much in the same way. In the morning, we ate breakfast like we normally do (outside of the month of Ram

adan, of course), and then the men went off to the mosque to pray. From around 11am to 6pm, we basically sat around all day, enjoying the shade from trees and eating great food throughout the course of the day. Chicken, beef, lemonade, soda, popsicles, and dates were on the menu, and I can't say that I was complaining too much. In the evening, everyone got dressed up and took pictures, as well as walked around

town visiting other families. To be honest, Korite is quite boring. We all sat for 7 hours talking about the same stuff we usually talk about, such as the ever popular question "Gallas, where are your girlfriends? And why aren't they here?" (They still ask me this, even though I've told them many times that I am not hiding a stash of girls in Dakar).

That said, it's apparent that this is an important holiday for my family and the community, so I did my best to act like I was having the time of my life. Next on the agenda will be Tabaski, which is an even bigger deal than Korite, and promises to be quite the feast.
That's all I really have to say for now, just wanted to upload some pictures of Korite. My buddy John is flying in Saturday night, and I'm happy to say that I've planned what I deem to be a pretty awesome trip full of danger and adventure. Anyways, hope all is well on the home front. Ba ci kanaam!

Pictures are as follows --> 1)My namesake, Fallou Gallas and I (he is a complete clown, and my nickname for him is Golo, aka monkey)
2)Family members lounging about and making tea during the day
3)Me and my baby brother, Ahmet (notice my awesome Boubou outfit)
4)A light near my room. Yes, we have a lot of bugs...