Tuesday, August 26, 2008

T-minus twelve days...

As my departure date rapidly sneaks up on me, I guess now is as good a time as any to start posting on this blog. In thirteen days, I will leave Austin and fly to Philadelphia for my staging event. From what I understand, staging is essentially not unlike college orientation, except jam packed into two days. Lectures, ice breakers, and going out at night seem to be the norm during staging. After two busy days, my group and I will leave for Dakar on the evening of the 10th, thus arriving on the morning of the 11th (I'm pretty sure we'll be parachuting in...hence the picture). From there on, I can only imagine what adventures await.

After a fairly wild summer, things have really started to slow down and I'm finally feeling as though I am in the home stretch of my time here. After flying off to California and Dallas to see friends and family, I will take one or two more trips to San Antonio to make my last round of goodbyes. It really is surprising how quickly time has flown. I remember sitting in my programming logic class last October, casually browsing the Peace Corps website and deciding to start an application for the hell of it. Almost eleven months later, here I am starting a blog about my upcoming Peace Corps service. My hope for this blog is to keep everyone in the loop as to what is going on in my life while I'm in Senegal. Since my family is very "nomadic", I feel that it will be easier to keep in touch using this blog rather than send a bevy of emails every few days. I hope you all enjoy reading this over the next two years. A plus tard!

P.S For anyone who might have taken me seriously... we won't be parachuting into Senegal...

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